Francis Crowe Society Awards and Inductions

Distinguished Engineer Inductee
2013 – Michael A. Whitney graduated from UMaine in Engineering Physics in 1980, and shortly thereafter was working at Consolidated Edison’s Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant in New York, as a Licensing Engineer (and at West Point Military Academy, as a volunteer minister). In 1996, he returned to Maine, employed at the Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company nuclear plant in Wiscasset. There, as a Senior Licensing Engineer, he managed licensing of the facility with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the State of Maine, eventually to lead a team of engineers in developing the License Termination Plan for the decommissioning of the nuclear plant in 2005. Today, he is Northeast Collegiate Regional Leader of the Navigator campus ministries, supervising over 40 staff members on 20 campuses in New York and New England. He also works on an as-available basis as Principal Licensing & Regulatory Engineer with Black Diamond Consultants, and he serves as chair of the Finance Committee of the town of Topsham, ME.

Pictured (L-R): Michael Whitney, Dr. David Batuski (Physics & Astronomy Chair), Dana Humphrey (Dean of the College of Engineering)

Dr. David Batuski with 2013 inductees Daniel Whitney, John Collette, Jessica Clark and Michael Whitney
Further information about the organization can be found here