Tag: News

Department members at the 2024 Maine Science Festival, March 20-24

The Department is involved in many activities and events as part of the 2024 Maine Science Festival. This is an annual event celebrating the science (interpreted broadly) happening across Maine. All events are free and open to the public, and are geared for all ages. The program can be found here.  Wednesday, March 20, 6:30pm, Seasons Restaurant, Main […]

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Sam Hess highlighted on The Maine Question Podcast

Professor Sam Hess was the subject of an interview on The Maine Question podcast, released on October 7, about how his groundbreaking super-resolution microscopy technique, FPALM, has been used to study virus infection mechanisms, and that of the SARS-COV-2 virus in particular.  He talks about his research and collaborations, as well as how he thinks […]

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