Study Abroad

Do you know how easy it is to get to Europe?

The Study Abroad Program offers students a chance to expand their cultural and academic horizons during their Junior or Senior years. UMaine has established contractual exchange programs with over 25 universities throughout the world.

What’s the catch?

No catch. The courses you take transfer back to UMaine. We even have videotapes available of some of the study abroad programs!

Isn’t that expensive?

You pay your tuition, room, board, and fees in dollars here, just like usual, and you get the equivalent services and support provided by the host university. Financial aid is available for study abroad!

Who do I contact?

Professor John Thompson
Department of Physics & Astronomy
5709 Bennett Hall
Orono, ME 04469-5709

Study Abroad Coordinator
Office of International Programs
5727 Estabrooke Hall, Rm 240
Orono, ME 04469-5782
(207) 581-1509