MacKenzie R. Stetzer
MacKenzie R. Stetzer
Associate Professor of Physics
and member of the Maine Center for Research in STEM Education
Office: 105 Bennett Hall
Office Phone: (207) 581-1033
Email: mackenzie<dot>stetzer<at>umit<dot>maine<dot>edu
- 1993 A.B. Physics (summa cum laude), Bowdoin College
- 2000 Ph.D. Physics, University of Pennsylvania
Since 2001, I have been deeply involved in developing research-based and research-validated instructional materials for undergraduates and K-12 teachers. Over the past few years, a primary focus of my work has been an in-depth investigation of student understanding of analog electronics, primarily in the context of upper-division laboratory courses on the topic. In addition to identifying specific conceptual difficulties and examining the impact of such courses on student learning, I am leading the collaborative development of research-based instructional materials for use in these upper-division courses. Other areas of interest include TA and K-12 teacher ability to assess student understanding, the professional development of TAs and future physics faculty, and student understanding of mechanical waves and physical optics.
Links: Physics Education Research Laboratory
Selected Publications:
M. Kryjevskaia, M. R. Stetzer, and P. R. L. Heron, “Student understanding of wave behavior at a boundary: The limiting case of reflection at fixed and free ends,” Am. J. Phys. 79, 508 (2011).
L. C. McDermott, P. R. L. Heron, P. S. Shaffer, and M. R. Stetzer, “Improving the preparation of K-12 teachers through physics education research,” Am. J. Phys. 74, 763 (2006).