John R. Thompson

Professor of Physics & Department Chair
Member, Maine Center for Research in STEM Education
Cooperating Professor of STEM Education

Fellow, American Physical Society

  • 1990  B.S. in Physics (cum laude), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • 1992  Sc.M. in Physics, Brown University
  • 1998  Ph.D. in Physics, Brown University

Office: 117 Bennett Hall

Phone : (207) 581-1016

Email:  thompsonj <at> maine <dot> edu

Recent CV (short)

Google Scholar page

Research Interests

Physics Education Research – research on the learning and teaching of physics – including research-based curriculum development.  Co-manage research group including undergraduates, master’s and doctoral students, and faculty.

  1. Student understanding at the mathematics-physics interface: how student understanding of mathematics concepts influences understanding of physics concepts, and vice-versa; how students apply mathematics to physical situations; how students make physical meaning of mathematics. Calculus: single variable, multivariable, and vector.
  2. Learning and teaching of specific physics concepts at the undergraduate level, at introductory and advanced levels. Identifying specific student conceptual difficulties, and addressing difficulties through development of guided-inquiry instructional materials.
  3. The preparation and professional development of K-12 teachers to teach physics and physical science. In particular, how teachers recognize student conceptual difficulties with the content, and what they do to help students learn.

Current Service Highlights

For more information see faculty page.