Ioan-Augustin Chioar
Ioan-Augustin Chioar
Assistant Professor of Physics
Address: 5708 ESRB-Barrows, Room 253
Telephone: (207) 581-2257
Additional links: Google Scholar, ORCiD
- 2015 Ph.D., University of Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, France
- 2012 M.S., University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France
- 2010 B.S., University Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Research Interests:
- Nanomagnetism
- Magnetic metamaterials, especially Artificial Spin Ice Systems
- Optical and magneto-optical metamaterials (metaoptics)
- Classical frustrated spin models
- Polarimetry and optical sensing
Dr. Chioar’s research group focuses on studying magnetic and optical metamaterials, both from a fundamental science standpoint and for potential applications in computing and sensing technologies. These nanoarchitectures offer a bountiful playground to design, visualize, control, and harness collective many-body phenomena at the forefront of nanomagnetism and nanooptics. The research employs various magnetic and optical characterization techniques and can also be complemented by numerical/theoretical undertakings. Current research projects focus on artificial spin ice systems and the investigation of new magneto-optical metamaterial designs.
Selected Publications
- I.-A. Chioar, N. Rougemaille, A. Grimm, O. Fruchart, E. Wagner, M. Hehn, D. Lacour, F. Montaigne, and B. Canals,” Nonuniversality of artificial frustrated spin systems”, Physical Review B 90, 064411 (2014).
- I.-A. Chioar, N. Rougemaille and B. Canals, “Ground-state candidate for the classical dipolar kagome Ising antiferromagnet”, Physical Review B 93, 214410 (2016).
- B. Canals, I.-A. Chioar, V.-D. Nguyen, M. Hehn, D. Lacour, F. Montaigne, A. Locatelli, T. O. Menteş, B. S. Burgos, and N. Rougemaille, “Fragmentation of magnetism in artificial kagome dipolar spin ice”, Nature Communications 7, 11446 (2016).
- E. Östman, H. Stopfel, I.-A. Chioar, U. B. Arnalds, A. Stein, V. Kapaklis, and B. Hjörvarsson, Nature Physics 14, 375–379 (2018).
- N. Maccaferri, I. Zubritskaya, I. Razdolski, I.-A. Chioar, V. Belotelov, V. Kapaklis, P.M. Oppeneer, A. Dmitriev, “Nanoscale magnetoplasmonics (Review)”, Journal of Applied Physics 127, 080903 (2020)
- I.-A. Chioar, C. Vantaraki, M. Pohlit, R. M. Rowan-Robinson, E. Th. Papaioannou, B. Hjörvarsson, and V. Kapaklis, “Steering light with magnetic textures”, Applied Physics Letters 120, 032407 (2022)
- X. Zhang, I.-A. Chioar, G. Fitez, A. Hurben, M. Saccone, N.S. Bingham, J. Ramberger, C. Leighton, C. Nisoli, P.Schiffer, “Artificial Magnetic Tripod Ice”, Physics Review Letters 131, 126701 (2023)