Charles W. Smith
Charles W. Smith
Emeritus Professor of Physics
and Cooperating Emeritus Professor of Engineering
- 1962 B.S., Allegheny College
- 1968 Ph.D., Ohio University
1978 University Distinguished Professor Award
Research Interests:
- Low temperature experimental physics
- Superconductivity
- Point contact spectroscopy
- Condensed matter physics
- Archaeological metallurgy
For most recent vita, click here (PDF)
“The Temperature Dependence of Subharmonic Gap Structures in Superconducting Heterocontacts of Nb, Pb, V and Ta”, C. W. Smith, R. C. Reinertson and P. J. Dolan, Jr., Physica B 218, 119-121 (1996).
“Anomalous Temperature Dependence of the Andreev Peak for Ag/Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4-d Point-Contacts”, R. C. Reinertson, C. W. Smith and P. J. Dolan, Jr., Physica B 218, 202-204 (1996).
“Statistical Analysis of Adsorbates”, A.J. Mayne, C.M. Goringe, C.W. Smith and G.A.D. Briggs, Surface Sci. 348, 209-225 (1996).
“Inelastic Scattering in Normal/Superconductor Point Contacts”, C.W. Smith, R.C. Reinertson, E.V. Slobodzian and P.J. Dolan, Czechoslovak J. Phys. 46, 1327-1328, S3 (1996).
“The English George III Contemporary Counterfeit Halfpenny Series: A Statistical Study of Production and Distribution”, in Coinage of the American Confederation Period, editor Philip L. Mossman, 23-53, The American Numismatic Society, New York, NY (1996).
“Cast Counterfeit Coppers in the Pre-Federal America”, with Philip L. Mossman, The Colonial Newsletter 107, 1775-1803 (1998).
“PIXE and RBS as a tool for the analysis of historic copper halfpennies”, with M.H. Abraham, G.W. grime and J.P. Northover, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Physica B 150, 651 (1999).
“Imported and Domestic Counterfeit Copper Coins in Pre-Federal America”, with Philip L. Mossman, in Circulating Counterfeits of the Americas”, editor, John M. Kleeberg, The American Numismatic Society, New York, NY (accepted and in press 2000).
Quasipartical effects in point contacts of niobium containing hydrogen”. Charles W. Smith, Eugene V. Slobodzian and Paul J. Dolan, Jr., Physica B., to be published June, 2000.